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At the core of the production "Babel" is the question of physical limitations. In the specific case, this production is intended to address deaf people.

The music Django Bates writes for this production has a strong focus on percussive, rhythmic music and on playing with dynamics and volume. Both composer and choreographer explore the entire keyboard of volume, expressivity and instrumentation in musical communication as well as in body and sign language.

In the production "Babel", the dividing lines between choreography and composition between listening and looking. The intuitive movements of the musicians become a physical staging, the choreographed movements of the dancers a communicative action. The interpreters are performers, dancers, musicians and body percussionists all in one. The audience begins to listen with their bodies, contemplating the music.

Artistic direction / concept | Martina Taubenberger
Direction | Axel Tangerding
Composition | Django Bates Choreography | Ceren Oran
Dance | Jihun Choi, Jin Lee, Uwe
BraunsInterpreter:inside |
[Trondheim Voices]
Sissel Vera Pettersen, Torunn Sævik, Siril Malmedal Hauge, Tone Åse, Kari Eskild Havenstrom, Heidi Skjerve
[O/Modernt Kammerorchester]
Hugo Ticciati, Vicky Sayles, Luca(SKO) Bognár, Iskandar Komilov, Przemek Pujanek, Meghan Cassidy, Edward King, Claude Frochaux, Jordi Carrasco Hjelm
[Bern Art Ensemble]
Tapiwa Svosve, Florian Hufschmid, Michael Cina, Lisa Hoppe
[Rafael-Evitan Grombelka]
Light | Rainer Ludwig
Consultation choreography / sign language | Kassandra Wedel
Production management  | Luise Schwarz, Juliana Bertsch
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